Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 3: And The Relatives Came

Here I sit thoughts rolling through my mind... So much stuff to do, so many things calling for my attention, but here I am blogging, when in fact I should be editing pictures from the wedding last weekend, practicing music for a wedding that's coming up in a month, painting, etc.  I do love summer and the busyness it brings though. This summer is particularly busy because of building our house. Right now we're smack dab in the middle of painting. The primer should get done tonight and the paint will be here and waiting once we get back from gallivanting across the countryside this weekend. 

This was an attempt to see what our (Debs n my) bedroom colors should look like. Yes indeed, it was a major fail! The purple, well, is far too purple. You'd think the name 'Concord Grape' would clue us into what it should look like :P Thankfully, we only got samples and so it shall be easy to change.

Hmmm, So many colors to choose from!!! Yes, that's how we felt at the beginning. Now most of the colors are picked out, just a few more to go.

Now to things pertaining to the title... 

Yes, this year was our Lapp 'Christmas' gathering in July. My uncle and his family from Belize were up for a month and so aunts, uncles, and cousins came from near and far, making it possible that Dad's whole family could be together for the first time in two years. 

The weekend of July 4 was the weekend chosen for the relatives to descend upon us. They came from near and they came from far. They came from Missouri and Pennsylvania. Yes, we relatives from here were pleased to see them and immediately there was much talking and laughing. Many good times were had! Some of the relatives stayed the following week, where they busied themselves with shopping in Holmes County, planning a surprise 40th birthday party for one of the aunts, cleaning our new house, and many other activities. Their presence created much activity for the family from Antrim.  But they had a wonderful time of catching up in each others' lives 'n things. Nearly two weeks after all the activity began everyone departed and traveled to their respective homes in Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Belize. Everyone was sad to see them leave, yet ready for life to return back to normal.

Yes, I claim this family as my own and I do love them all! It was indeed a wonderful time of chilling with the family! Now for a few pictures...

Rosemary & Japheth

Two peas in a pod! (Katie & Ashley





I do believe he is the cutest little cousin around!!!

Arlin, Japheth, Madison & Katie

I would like to see all the videos that were taken.

And another one of Mr. Adorable again

May your week be filled with peace!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 2: Blessings

The week after family week was filled to the brim with activity. Along with working full-time I had the privilege of spending time with several good friends. The first being in the beginning of the week with a lady from church. I went to her place where we sat on her front porch and caught up on each others' lives. It had been something we both wanted to do for a while and we finally got it accomplished!:D Its always so refreshing to find out that someone I've known for all my life is a kindred spirit. Carolyn, thanks so much for the amazing evening!

I also spent a day with a good friend from Bible school, Emily. She's from Colorado and was in visiting her boyfriend in Plain City. So I went out to Columbus and we spent the day together. We hit a thrift store, went to lunch at a very adorable cafe in the middle of the awesomeness of German Village. This is a part of Columbus that I never knew existed until just earlier this year - let me tell you about it. Its basically in the shadow of downtown right across the interstate from downtown. Nearly everything is brick - the houses, streets, walls, and sidewalks. Most houses have such incredibly cute (from what I could see from the sidewalk that is) English style gardens behind them. There's also this bookstore in that part of town that spans a full block (no we didn't venture inside - which I dare say was a good thing). The cafe in itself was totally cool (the one we went to eat at:). Most of their seating is outside under these cool umbrellas. We had sparrows as companions some of the time. The food was tremendous and I hope to be back. The best part of it was sitting there and catching up on each other's lives! We then went to the largest shopping center in Columbus. The crazy man that tried to sell Em some nail jazz, the HUGE bag that we could have BOTH fit in,   and trying on many strange and wonderful sunglasses made for a very memorable time. It was super seeing you again, Em!

Then for the weekend. One of my dormies from SMBI got married and so it was a good old fashioned SMBI hangout! The girls all got a cabin and the guys well, they had a cabin the first night and the second night they had a church lawn (until the town cop came and they had to crawl into their vehicle and spend the rest of the night there).  Here are some pictures from the wedding n' things:)

This would be my dorm from 3rd term and what wonderful dorm it was!!!!:)

Our dorm w/extended dormies and our dear Pappa:D

Yay, I get to see this dear lady this weekend!!!

Yeah never know what will happen when we hang out!

Much laughage is done!

The happy dean couple

Singing Cominando Voy

Oh, yes there was much love in the air!

The guys graciously provided supper for us Saturday night

US = good times!

The HUGE watermelon the guys got for supper

I'm so blessed with many wonderful people that I call my FRIENDS! Thank you for your friendship!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 1: Family Week

My goal of posting once a week has been royally broken and for that I'm sorry. I feel like handing all the normal excuses to you on a silver platter but I don't enjoy when others give me that treatment so I shall refrain. 

Yes, life has been busy. That could possibly describe my life currently. Yes, that was one of the excuses I drummed up - but everyone uses that one and I'd rather not live in the box of what others do. So I'm just telling you. 

I thought perhaps this could be a catch-up sort of post. A post where I would touch briefly on what I've been doing the last couple of weeks. That's what you would expect, right? As you may have gathered from some of the things I said earlier I'd rather not be confined in a box, so I shall do something different. This will be the first of a series on the major things that have been going on, if you put it simply, in my life. 

Family Week: June 15-18
I was very privileged to travel out Tuesday night and spend the night with a dear dormy of mine (SMBI). It was extra special because she was getting married the following Saturday (I'll get to that later) and as I'm sure you can figure out it was our last time together before that major event in her life.

The week (or shall we say 4 days) in pictures:

Games were played...

Human Croquet

There were many cutie petuties around...

The parents preparing themselves to learn of their fate - A banana race.

The competition... Just Kidding!!!:D

The wonderful pancake toss that provided the photographers with many photo ops.

Egg Toss

The results...

Water balloon Volleyball

Children with bubbles = CUTENESS!!!

Much talking was accomplished.

Many games were played

Chorus Time

The water-fight that proved to be a rather WET experience...

There you have it - Family Week. Its officially in the past. I enjoyed myself and got to know some incredibly beautiful and awesome ladies. My talk went very well and it was so good to be able to share my heart with them on guarding their hearts.

Stay tuned... I will hopefully post again in the next day or so to give a rundown of the following weekend spent once again in PA (hopefully being the key word here:D).

Now to head off to bed so I'm bright and sunshiny when the sun greets this side of the earth once again. 
Goodnight one. Goodnight all.